"Just let go. Let go of how you thought life should be and embrace the life that is trying to work its way into your consciousness. " Carolyn Myss
Before Elizabeth Gilbert and Cheryl Strayed there was Marybeth Bond. And before Marybeth there have been countless other women who have decided to go out alone and see what's out there; to break out of a routine and to ask, "Is there more?"
It takes a tremendous amount of courage to do this. To explain to friends and family that you're going travelling alone. To some it may seem selfish or crazy, but in the end, these leaps of faith that start with tuning into your intuition are the most selfless acts because they can transform an individual onto someone stronger; someone who can love more and be an inspiration for all around them.
Sarah met Mary Beth at the IWF conference in Ashland, and naturally, they hit it off. The next thing I knew, Sarah was sending me a text saying, "I met a wonderful lady at dinner. She's a travel writer and she'll give you a ride to San Fransisco!"
Coincidentally, Marybeth's daughter Annalyse had done the JMT last year so the drive from Ashland to San Fransisco was filled with texts back and forth as Marybeth made arrangements with her husband Gary and Annalyse to have/prepare dinner that night. I got all the trail beta from Annalyse, and Gary gave me a printed itinerary he had made up for the trip which calculated distances and can locations which has been very helpful so far.
Once again, I was showered with hospitality on this leg of my journey. Marybeth juggled playing tour-guide and chauffeur so I could get some final supplies and Gary did some research for me on walk-in clinics so I could get some antibiotics for me blisters. If it wasn't for the antibiotics the next leg of my journey would not have been possible.
Gary and Marybeth compliment each other perfectly. It was such a delight to meet this couple.
Marybeth got me to the train station with my belly and bag full of yummy treats and my heart full and overflowing.
I have so much love and respect for this amazing woman. Thank you Marybeth for opening your heart and understanding the significance of this journey for me.
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