Tuesday 23 August 2016

People Along the Way

Starting in southern Oregon in mid August allowed me to see and meet many NOBO's (Northbound) travelers around their 4 month mark. By this time they had hiked nearly 2,000 miles and mastered their pace, packing, and gear.

Although most hikers were only interested in talking water sources, and trail magic, I did meet and talk with a couple great characters.
Max aka "Friendly Green Giant".
I met Max at dusk after he had finished a 33 mile day walking from Mazama Village to Theilsen Creek. I asked him if he had any spare duct tape. I had used the last of mine earlier in the day and knew I wouldn't get very far the next day without it.  I didn't have much to offer him in exchange for the tape, but I let him know about the great campsite I had found just off the creek junction trail. We was grateful to find a flat and beautiful spot so we called it even.

In the morning we talked about the trail and gear. He had the same shoes as me which gave me hope that if he had made it 2,000 miles in his, I could surely do a fraction of the distance in mine.

He explained the "Friendly" part of his title was dropped after he became " a bit ornery" trudging through the snow in the Sierras. But I assured him he would remain "The Friendly Green Giant" in my books after offering me a generous portion of duct tape and lots of trail beta.

Later that day I met Garry, an older gentleman knows as "Monkey Wrench" who was walking north from Crater Lake to complete his final section of trail after years of section hiking. He had every inch of his skin covered  and was even wearing gloves despite the fact that it was 105 degrees outside.

Mama Lion and Boon
A mother and her son who was probably about 11 years old wearing a Davy Crockett hat. They had started in Mexico and were on track to get to Canada with the rest of the herd. I was blow away by their casual presence as she juggled talking to me, filtering water, and getting Boon focused for the next stretch of trail. She told me if I ran into "Mary Poppins," a girl with dreds and an orange backpack to tell her they were just ahead.   What an amazing duo! I never did see Mary Poppins, but I had visions of a girl on the trail pulling out endless luxury items like a cooler full of ice cold drinks, and pillows, and chocolate fondu from her little orange backpack.

Forrest and Veylah
I ran into this beautiful father and daughter while splurging on a root beer and a giant peanut butter cookie at the Crater Lake Canteen. They were not hiking the PCT but Forrest explained he made routine visits to Crater Lake because he too felt the lake had amazing energy and healing powers. He told me the wind spirit of the lake was called Llao.

He invited me to the Crater Lake Lodge for some appetizers before he and his daughter drove home. I accepted and we had a very interesting conversation about the Mayan Calendar, and how it's based on a 13 moon system as opposed to the Gregorian calendar based on 12.  Forrest was well versed in the writings by José Argüelles who is  recognized as one of the creators of the Earth Day concept and founder of the Whole Earth Festival. According to Jose's Harmonic Module, Forrest figured out that my Galactic Signature is a Blue Rhythmic Monkey and one of the meditations for this symbol is:
I am guided by my own power doubled.
I still haven't grasped how the calendar works, but I love this mantra! You can get your own galactic signature at lawoftime.org😊

"Who owns your time owns your mind; own your own time and know your own mind."
—Jose Arguelles/Valum Votan

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